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Visiting address

The street address of AlbaNova is Roslagstullsbacken 21.

For directions to the centre, see our info written here: Getting to AlbaNova

Postal address in Swedish:
AlbaNova Universitetscentrum
Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan (or KTH) or Stockholms universitet
Name of department
SE – 106 91 Stockholm

Postal address in English:
AlbaNova University Center
Royal Institute of Technology or Stockholm University
Name of department
SE – 106 91 Stockholm

The address must start with ”AlbaNova University Center”. Always remember to include the name of the department in the address, especially if the address might be used on an invoice.

Note that AlbaNova’s post code is 106 91, the same as for Stockholm university, even for departments of KTH.