Weyl semimetals are defined by the presence of isolated points in the Brillouin zone at which a conduction and a valence band touch. The so-called Nielsen-Ninomiya-theorem
requires these points (the “Weyl nodes’’) to appear in pairs. This theorem, however, is only valid for interactions of sufficiently short range. In this talk, I will discuss that long-range interactions can break the Nielsen-Ninomiya-theorem, and provide
an explicit construction for an interacting tight-binding model that contains only a single Weyl node. I will then analyze the fate of the chiral anomaly in such single Weyl node semimetals, and demonstrate that the chiral magnetic effect remains intact for
arbitrarily strong interactions in such a single node Weyl semimetal, while it is at most robust up to a critical interaction strength if the interaction gaps all Weyl nodes.
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Kind regards,
Iman (iman.mahyaeh@fysik.su.se
Yaron (yaron.kedem@fysik.su.se)
Flore (flore.kunst@fysik.su.se)
Yago (yagoferreiros@gmail.com)
Matthias (matthias.geilhufe@su.se)