We are currently witnessing a fundamental change in the field of quantum information, whereby protocols and experiments previously performed in university labs are now being implemented in real-world scenarios, and a strong commercial push for new and reliable applications is contributing significantly in advancing fundamental research. In this thesis and related included papers, I first look at a keystone of quantum science, Bell’s theorem. In particular, I will expose an issue that we call apparent signalling, which affects many current and past experiments relying on Bell tests. A statistical test of the impact of apparent signalling is described, together with experimental approaches to successfully mitigate it. Next, I consider one of the most refined ideas that recently emerged in quantum information, device-independent certification. Device-independent quantum information aims at answering the question: “Assuming we trust quantum mechanics, what can we conclude about the quantum systems or the measurement operators in a given experiment, based solely on its results, while making minimal assumptions on the physical devices used?”. In my work, the problem was successfully approached in two different scenarios, one based on entangled photons and the other on prepare-and-measure experiments with single photons, with the aim of certifying informationally-complete quantum measurements. Finally, I conclude by presenting an elegant and promising approach to the experimental generation of multi-photon entanglement, which is a fundamental prerequisite in most modern quantum information protocols.