No matter what job you are in and what career you choose, you will always have to market yourself and “sell” your ideas – you will have to appropriately and clearly articulate what your innovations are (whether they are technical or business in nature or both) and how they will inject value in to your organization. You will have to stay on message and communicate your mission in terms of the overarching goals of the team and company, and judiciously elucidate your well-researched explanation of the return on the investment that your stakeholders can expect. In this workshop, we will delve into the strategies for communicating your ideas and brand (your promise of value) in such a way that your constituents want to learn more and can visualize how your innovative attitude will benefit them. In marketing yourself appropriately you will be able to find and mine new and potentially hidden opportunities for career advancement.
Alaina G. Levine
Author, Networking for Nerds (Wiley, 2015)
President, Quantum Success Solutions
All are welcome.
Sponsored by the SU Astronomy Department and the OKC.