
In Search of Advanced X-ray Techniques, Novel Sample Environments and Next-generation Materials

Elucidating the structure and dynamics of polymeric-, protein- and hybrid-based materials is an under explored area that needs to be addressed further to solve many challenging problems in designing next-generation materials. Targeting these materials, using hard/tender/soft X-rays along with novel sample environments and real-time data treatment can probe the complexity of nano- and meso-scale materials. Combining tender resonant X-ray scattering with tender X-ray absorption spectroscopy, at the newly developed end-station TReXS, is a unique chemical sensitive structure probe to identify the chemical components of multi-component systems. Tuning X-ray photon energies to match the absorption spectrum of different chemical components can selectively enhance the scattering contributions from different components, enabling the complex morphologies to be resolved with more details. In this talk, I will describe the capabilities of TReXS beamline that has recently been developed at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Berkeley National Lab in California. I will also present some results of polymer, bio and multi-component systems, collected at the ALS, LCLS, ESRF, APS and NSLS-II, as the objective of this talk is not only to describe the advanced TReXS beamline and the novel sample environments but also to promote collaboration among researchers in different disciplines at SU/KTH.

Mo Segad (1,2,3) 

(1)Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, Stockholm 10691, Sweden, (2)Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA and (3) X-ray Scattering Facility, Materials Research Institute, Penn State, PA 16802, USA