Early phase observations of Type-Ia SNe (SNIa) give interesting clues about the progenitor and explosion mechanisms. As a showcase for that, I will describe observations of a SNIa discovered with Hyper Suprime-Cam on the Subaru telescope suggesting Helium detonation. Furthermore, I will report on a statistical study in archival data searching for excess power on the early parts of SNIa lightcurves, highlighting correlations with SN luminosity.
Finally, I will report on a new CMOS Wide-Field Imager, Tomo-e Gozen Camera (Tomo-e) at the 1-m Kiso Schmidt telescope. Tomo-e can survey 7000 sq. degrees every 2 hours with 84 2kx1k CMOS sensors. Some early results by the Tomo-e prototype will be shown, as well as future plans for the full Tomo-e.