Addresses for AlbaNova
Visiting address
Roslagstullsbacken 21
This is the address of the main entrance to AlbaNova, in the rotunda of the main building. Reception is to the left at the back of the entrance hall. Other entrances to the main building and to the other buildings have different numbers, all however on Roslagstullsbacken.
Postal address in Swedish:
AlbaNova Universitetscentrum
Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan (or KTH) or Stockholms universitet
Name of department
SE - 106 91 Stockholm
Postal address in English:
AlbaNova University Center
Royal Institute of Technology or Stockholm University
Name of department
SE - 106 91 Stockholm
The address must start with "AlbaNova University Center". Always remember to include the name of the department in the address, especially if the address might be used on an invoice.
Note that AlbaNova's post code is 106 91, the same as for Stockholm university, even for departments of KTH.
Goods Delivery address
AlbaNova universitetscentrum
Hannes Alfvéns Väg 11
SE - 114 19 Stockholm
For delivery by postpaket please use the AlbaNova postal address (and not the goods delivery address).
Do not write your name in the beginning of the address! If you do, the postal service might treat your parcel as private mail, and deliver it to a post office in Lappkärrsbergen, north of Stockholm University campus, from which you have to fetch it personally.